International projects

What international activities do we implement?

Project „Strengthening of methodical and educational competences of European scope at andragogists“ (2018-1-CZ01-KA104-047335)
– length of the project is from 1st June 2018 to 31st July 2019
– chosen members of AOA represent the Czech Republic at international conferences
– the aim is deepening the knowledge of up-to-date strategies in adult education in Europe

Project „Education by the way“ (2018-1-PL01-KA204-051193)  
– length of the project is from 1st October 2018 to 31st January 2021
– partners from Poland, Finland, Belgium and Italy take part in the project
– the aim is to create a set of micro-learning methods which will support engaging people with low skills into non-formal education
– more information:
Products for Download:
Toolkit for Learning
Manual for Education Activists Working with People with Low Competences
Summary of Pilots (Appendix to Manual for Education Activists)

Project „Bildung+digital?!“ (2019-1-DE02-KA204-006227)
– length of the project is from 1st September 2019 to 31st August 2022
– partners from Germany, Poland, Belgium, Hungary, Austria, Lithuania and Italy take part in the project
Das SAMR Modell von Puentedura
DE1_Frydek-Mistek_Bildung+digital_HeurekaNet_EB in Unternehmen

Project „Democratic competences as a tool for adult education“ (2019-1-CZ01-KA104-060263)
– length of the project is from 1st November 2019 to 31st August 2021
– chosen members of AOA represent the Czech Republic at EAEA conferences
– the aim is to increase democratic competencies in adult education and expand awareness of the EU

Project „Innovative work-life balance tools to promote equality of men and women“ (2019-1-CZ01-KA204-061180)
– length of the project is from 1st December 2019 to 30st June 2022
– partners AIVD SR (Slovakia), EPATV  (Portugal) and DAFNI KEK (Greece)
– the aim is to support of gender equality and work-life balance implementation
by e-learning programm
E-learning Work-Life Balance Implementation in Companies
You can register on

Video Interviews with HR Managers – Work-Life Balance as an Example of Best Practice:

Manual for trainersEnglish, Portuguese, Slovak, Greek, Czech version
Manual for tutorsEnglish, Portuguese, Slovak, Greek, Czech version

About projects outputs

Project „Eco-Active for Planet“ (2020-1-PL01-KA204-082246)
– length of the project is from 1st December 2020 to 28th February 2023
– to develope an educational model focused on an active approach to environmental protection
– partners: Stowarzyszenie Trenerow Organizacji Pozarzadowych; Federacja Polskich Banków ŻywnościKANSANVALISTUSSEURA; Latvijas Permakulturas biedriba; Green European Foundation

The goal of the project is to support ecological behavior in society through innovative outputs and education. Changing attitudes and values ​​at the civic level can make a significant contribution to environmental protection. The intelectual outputs of the project are a useful tool not only for trainers, which can be used for their teaching practice.
IO1: Competences for the PlanetEnglish; Finnish; Latvian; Polish; Czech version.
IO2: The Code of Conduct of Education Activists for the Planet pdf version and online version English; Finish; Latvian; Polish; Czech version
IO3. Toolkit for Trainers English, Czech
IO4. The Active Citizenship for the Planet – Manual for Education ActivistsEnglish, Czech
IO5. How it works
Invitation to the Eco-Active Garden

More information about the project:


These projects are been funded with support from the European Commission.